Focused on building neurodiversity-affirming, accessible, and inclusive eating disorder healthcare.
Laurence, our Chair and Research Lead, participated in this podcast episode of Butterfly Foundation: Let's Talk.
Annie, our Founder and CEO, spoke at the ANZAED annual conference (August 2022) which was held in Sydney.
Our Founder and CEO Annie participated in this podcast episode of The Neurodivergent Woman.
Our Founder and CEO Annie participated in this podcast episode of Autism from the Inside.
Annie, our Founder and CEO, spoke at the Body Peace annual conference (October 2022).
Laurence participated in this podcast episode of Butterfly Foundation: Let's Talk which was released in April 2022.
Laurence presented on Neurodivergence and Eating Disorders in this podcast episode released in October 2022.
Laurence presented on Autism and Eating Disorders on November 16th, 2022 at an event hosted by the South Australian Assistant Minister for Autism, Emily Bourke.
Anna spoke with Barry from BodyWhys about neurodivergence and eating disorders in June 2023.
Laurence and Anna presented a workshop on the reframing of neuronormative frameworks in mental health and eating disorder care at the Mental Health Services conference in Adelaide on August 17th, 2023.
Laurence and Anna presented a workshop on neurodiversity-affirming eating disorder care at the ANZAED conference in Surfer's Paradise on August 25th, 2023.
Laurence went to New York, USA, in March 2024 in order to present a workshop on autism and eating disorders alongside Phaedra Longhurst as well as a short presentation on sensory processing in relation to eating disorders.

Laurence and Anna organised a stand dedicated to EDNA at the Think Tank Conference in Melbourne in June 2024.

Laurence and Anna both presented at the Australian and New Zealand Academy for Eating Disorders conference held in August 2024 in Auckland, New Zealand.