Focused on building neurodiversity-affirming, accessible, and inclusive eating disorder healthcare.
Here you can find information about a variety of topics in relation to neurodivergence and mental health.
Our board members Laurence Cobbaert and Elysia Thomas have collaborated with Anna Rose Millichamp, Rosiel Elwyn, Scout Silverstein, Kai Schweizer, and Jane Miskovic-Wheatley to write a paper about neurodivergence, intersectionality, and eating disorders from the perspective of lived experience.

This article provides some insights about neurodivergent people's experiences of eating disorder treatment and some of the unique vulnerabilities that make them at a high risk of developing eating disorders.
This report was commissioned by the National Eating Disorders Collaboration (NEDC) and authored by Laurence and Anna. It provides a detailed account of how neurodivergence influences eating, body image, and health more broadly.
Laurence, Ruth, and Maud have created 8 information sheets. Each information sheet has been tailored to include insights and tips for a specific group of people. Some focus on self-advocacy (e.g., neurodivergent people and carers) whereas others zoom in on health-related considerations (e.g., general practitioners).
This document provides key elements, tools, and resources for neurodivergent people to effectively self-advocate with regards to their eating and feeding needs and preferences in everyday life as well as throughout eating disorder treatment.
This is an overview of the overlap between neurodivergence and eating disorders.
This includes prevalence rates and statistics.
Links to community-based resources as well as academic references are provided for context and evidence.
This resource provides the links to each Australian state's guidelines for the hospital admission and inpatient management of people with eating disorders.
This info sheet was collaboratively produced with the Butterfly Foundation for Body Image and Eating Disorders Awareness Week (September 2022).
The focus is on the influence of interoceptive awareness on body image and eating.
This info sheet was produced for ADHD Awareness Month (October 2022) to draw attention to the mental health struggles that many ADHDers encounter, particularly in relation to suicidality.
This info sheet features some quick facts (e.g., statistics) about autism and eating disorders. It also explains the connection between autism and eating disorders by focusing on sensory processing.
This info sheet was produced for Suicide Prevention Month (September 2022) to highlight the importance of taking autistic people into consideration in relation to suicide prevention guidelines, policy, and initiatives. Indeed, autistic people are disproportionately affected by a variety of mental health concerns such as suicidality.